Tuesday, July 21

no robot could write this

Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2009 13:47:14 +0100
Reply-To: ncvohelpdesk@yahoo.com.hk
X-Mailer: Sun Java(tm) System Messenger Express 6.3-6.03 (built Mar 14
2008; 32bit)

(NCVO) in collaboration with Michael Jackson Trust Fund and donation.
Regent's Wharf, 8 All Saints Street, London
N1 9RL, United Kingdom

Attn: Ref: PTD/747/09


You have just won 1,000,000.00 (One Million Great British Pounds) in the ongoing give away prize by The king of pop music, Michael J.Jackson who left in our custody seven million Great British Pounds, part of a portion of its profits of auctioning off lots of memorabilia of the Jackson family to his fans to keep alive an annonymous charity organisation.

We have been officially mandated to give out One Million Great British Pounds each to fans from the seven different continent( Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia) of the world for charity purpose (NOT FOR PERSONAL USE ALONE).

Before his demise, he asked us to keep this donation confidential from his family members because they are content with what they have and also want this to be one of the last good deeds for his amiable fans the world over.

For more information and procedure of claims, Contact the CEO
of NCVO Mr. Stuart Etherington with your winning verification number (MJJ-46819-890PA) randomly selected by our integrated data computer.

E-mail Enquiry:ncvohelpdesk@yahoo.com.hk

24hrs Online Service :+44-702-404-7929
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Kimberly Cutler.
Public Relations officer.

IMPORTANT: 18 years and below cannot file for claims
Management ©2009 Ncvo Annual Web Promo in collaboration with Michael Jackson Trust Fund and Donation.®

[cutler.39.vcf text/x-vcard (114 bytes)]



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